You might think the Denver International Airport is a fun place to visit on your next trip to Colorado. But it's also the place where a lot of weird things (might) be happening - some of which are tied to conspiracy theories. Denver airport conspiracy theories range from being a site of an Illuminati led plot against the world to a satanic effort to get people to look at phallic symbols. Strange happenings at the Denver International Airport (DIA), including military planes flying overhead to comets passing by, give "proof" of the various conspiracies that surround the airport.


However, the main conspiracy seems to be the one that suggests that DIA isn't just a black hole where travelers' luggage disappears never to be seen again. Some conspiracy theorists look at the big picture and want the "sheeple" to open their eyes with the following theories


Denver Airport Could Be Used For Continuation Of Government Operations In Case Of A Catastrophic Nuclear Disaster



The United States has contingencies for what to do if the country is struck by nukes, whether from Russia, North Korea, extremists, or any other nuclear power. Allegedly, the Denver International Airport has facilities to help maintain the continuity of government should such a strike occur.

The evidence pointing to this lies in the strange tunnels. They also point to the fact that the project was massively over budget and used multiple contractors to obscure the true nature of the construction. Some conspiracy theorists even say there's a city-sized structure under the airport. 


There Are Secret Bunker Doors With Secret Numbers


The secret bunker doors of the secret underground city of the DIA are also shrouded in a conspiracy because they have secret numbers. For example, one area is coded to quarantine people if there is a bioweapons strike against the United States. The codes in the airport are also specifically made to keep people confused and to make it difficult to know what level of the supposed underground structure they are on.

There is a door that allegedly will allow people to have "swift access" to certain parts of the bunker if their clearance with the Department of Defense is high enough. 


There's A Massive Deep Underground Military Base Involved In Numerous Conspiracies



There's a massive complex of tunnels under the airport, and conspiracy theorists use them to show the place isn't just a transit hub, but could be used as a giant prison. Conspiracy website Intellihub - which also promotes conspiracies about the Sandy Hook tragedy and contends that the food supply has been spiked to cause sterilization - says a construction worker who built the tunnels has information about the system's true purpose.

Stu Webb told the publication there are several underground buildings connected by tunnels big enough to drive a bus through. The website suggests that they are part of a massive Deep Underground Military Base.


The Blue Murder Horse Sculpture Is A Satanic Symbol And A Sign Of The Apocalypse



The horse is an iconic symbol for Denver - it's even the mascot for the city's NFL, the Denver Broncos. However, the horse sculpture in front of Denver International Airport is a different breed all together. The sculpture is blue, 32 feet tall, and features a pair of enraged red eyes as it welcomes visitors to the airport. Before it was even installed at the airport, a massive chunk of it fell off and landed on the sculptor who designed the bucking bronco, landing on his leg and severing an artery, ending him. 

Bluecifer, as the sculpture is known, may be a symbol of the airport as a part of the end of the world, after all the apocalypse was signaled by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Those who think there are aliens living under the airport have certainly noticed. 



It's The Location Of The Freemason Meeting Place When The Aliens Come



The Freemasons, a secret society with a long list of prominent members from American history, will use Jeppesen Terminal as a meeting site once the true nature of the airport is revealed. Conspiracy theorists aren't pointing to some cryptic symbols or shady eye-witness reports about what is going on at the airport; rather, a Mason symbol is front and center in the airport as plain as day. The symbol is a part of the capstone for the airport and has a time capsule buried underneath it. 


The stone itself has several unique features such as odd geometric shapes and even says the phrase "New World Airport Commission" on it, which sounds almost too on the nose for being a crypto-signal or some sort. The plaque has an extremely suspicious and strange feature with a device that looks like a keyboard on it that conspiracy theorists say is a piece of techno-geometery used to communicate directional information to aliens.


There's Ancient Egyptian Death Art That Might Be Connected To The Illuminati



A temporary 26-foot tall statue of Anubis was installed at Denver International Airport to commemorate an Ancient Egypt exhibition at the Denver Art Museum - which seems innocent enough. That is, until you learn that Anubis is the Egyptian god of embalming and a friend of the deceased. Anubis is related to the Eye of Horus, which in addition to being involved in Egyptian lore is also a symbol of the Illuminati.

That, along with the Freemason imagery and a supposed underground military complex located at DIA makes it seem like there is a lot more going on there than planes taking off and landing (if one ignores the fact that the statue was never intended to be a permanent fixture, that is).


There Is A Talking Gargoyle To 'Clear The Air' On All The Conspiracies


After 25 years of dodging conspiracies, the Denver International Airport decided to lean into the accusations with an animatronic gargoyle that, according to the DEN YouTube page, is there to "clear the air." The puppet sits in the main terminal and converses with passengers as they walk by, commenting on their state of being and debunking the conspiracies that lie ahead. The gargoyle is always watching, listening, and apparently exists for the sake of entertainment and "fun." 

DEN confirmed, however, that he is "sharing more than we planned." Perhaps the new attraction isn't there to "clear" anything up so much as cover it. 


The Denver Airport And Chemtrails Are A Double Super Conspiracy



In November 2016, a Navy aircraft flew above Denver for hours. It was later speculated that the plane was a "doomsday" aircraft tasked with communicating with nuclear submarines to launch missiles should the US come under bombardment.

As if flying that close to the Denver airport wasn't weird enough, conspiracy theorists noted the plane seemed to be spraying chemtrails as it passed overhead. 


There Are Murals That Show The US Will Surrender To Germany



The murals at the Denver International Airport are a little unique, if not outright terrifying. Throughout the airport, there are several murals depicting conflict, with soldiers armed with swords and guns making women and children suffer at their hands. Another mural shows children with anguished looks on their faces surrounded by deceased and extinct animals and plants. However, another painting shows the evil soldier deceased, apparently ended by the joined forces of a multi-racial group of children from all over the world.


The artist of the pieces, Leo Tanguma, says they show how humanity can live in peace and harmony and not in a constant state of conflict. Conspiracy theorists see something different. For example, one child seems to be holding a Mayan tablet foretelling the end of the world, one mural has a burning city in the background, and another supposedly shows a German boy and American child working together - meaning the US will submit to Germany.


There's Lots Of Phallic And Satanic Imagery In The Airport


According to William Tapley, a man who believes he is the Third Eagle of the Apocalypse and the co-prophet of the end times, the Denver International Airport is filled with art depicting phallic and satanic imagery. This is mostly in the murals, which include phallic-shaped extinct penguins. The blue horse also has several phallic symbols on the tail, mane, and is rearing up to show off its genitals.  

While several conspiracy theorists noted the runways of the airport are shaped like a swastika, the co-prophet of the end times notes the baggage handling area is shaped like a phallic symbol. He notes that phallic worship is satanic, evil, and can only be defeated by the cross.  


Obama Truly Believed It Was The End Of The World In 2012 And That's Why He Went To Denver


In September 2011, President Barack Obama made a visit to Denver on official business. Or was it because he was scared the world was going to end? Some believed he was going to weather out the end of the world by hiding out at DIA. That year there was a theory the comet Elenin was going to destroy Earth by the year 2012. The conspiracy theorists said that Obama's visit, which coincided with the passing of the comet Elenin near Earth, was to prepare for the end times.


Supposedly, the comet was a harbinger of the emergence of the planet Nibiru, which was integral to the events that would lead to the end of the world in 2012. Obama, they believed, was in Denver to either prepare for the emergence of Nibiru or to use the passing of the comet as a dry run for the eventual Armageddon. 


The Swastika-Shaped Runway Is A Marker For The New World Order



In what may be just a coincidence that allows airplanes to take off and land at the same time - as airport officials claim - there is something allegedly creepy about the shape of the Denver International Airport's runways. When viewed from above, there is no mistaking the fact the runways look like a swastika. Conspiracy theorists of course claim this is to mark the airport as a staging ground for the New World Order, or some other suspension of rights and a takeover from secret evil forces. 

One theory notes the runway configuration marks the DIA as a base for the return of Nazis. The Black Sun, a force that will apparently regenerate the Aryan race somehow, will unleash the power of Nazis that have possibly been staging in Polar UFO bases.